Ufo Sighting In Wenatchee Washington On October 22Nd 2013 My Wife Saw A Glowing Oval Shaped Fireball In The Sky
My wife was driving to work heading south in the Wenatchee Valley. She looked up and saw a large, yellow, oval-shaped object which she described as "appearing to be on fire." She stated that the object was the size of a penny and was completely stationary. No sounds could be heard. The sky was completely cloudless and the sun was just beginning to rise. When she looked away for just a few seconds and turned back to look at the object, it had disappeared. At this point she texted me to tell me what she had seen. I called her and asked her to tell me details of what she had just seen as I was heading out to take my daughter to school. Suddenly, my daughter and I both saw an object just above the hills in East Wenatchee. My wife, who was on the phone with me, also saw the object, At this point, the object appeared white but definitely oval-like and about the size of a golf ball. If it was indeed the same object that she had seen just moments before, then it would'v had to travel at a remarkable speed to move such a distance. Also, we noticed that two jets flying very high were heading toward the object.
Credit: MUFON
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