As of Monday evening, March 16th, UFO Magazine had received five
(5) telephone calls and then several visits from folks that had
visited Tim Beckly's Con in San Diego. The story follows.
According first to Jon Erik Beckjord, noted Bigfootologist, and
Crop Circle investigator during the social get together on Sunday
(3/15-92) there was a party that ended up in Beckly's hotel room.
Liberal libations flowed, and all were having a good time.
Beckjord, not always known for his social grace, was having a
chat with someone, and had mentioned to this person his
discomfort when Milton Cooper addressed an audience while
imbibing heavily, and then used profane four letter words
attempting to get all to attend his workshop. ( at $40.00 US a
head I might add.)
At approx. this time frame, who would show up but none other than
our old friend Bilkum, and according to the five witnesses I
spoke to, Bilkum was carrying quite a load. ( Chivas that is )
Cooper heard Beckjord, and became enraged. He ( according to our
witness -- Erik -- ) lunged at Beckjord and pushed him while
screaming profane epitaphs at Beckjord. Beckjord of coursed then
pushed our boy Cooper back, stating that "I won't fight anyone
that only has one leg!" Now just about then, Cooper carrying a
heavy load of Chivas, and just being an all around social guy
like he is, screamed ( now this is also from our witnesses--last
count 5 ) "wooden leg!? Did you say a wooden leg!? I'll give you
a wooden leg you "MotherFu*ker" and he then proceded to kick
Beckjord. By now the punches started swinging, and none other
than Bentwaters Larry Warren threw himself on Cooper, and about 5
or so people broke up this little punch fest.
By now you may wonder if I just relayed this for the sake of
gossip. Nope, can't say that I have. The reason? Well, Cooper and
party are saying that the reason ol' Bilkum lost it is because
Beckjord was over heard making remarks about Coopers "wooden leg".
Oh by the way, Cooper now claims that the whole UFO thingy is
nothing but disinfo from the secret government, and all the
papers he saw back when he was in Navy Intelligence was to
disinform him. Any of you remember Bilkum here on ParaNet back in
1988? I and I'll bet Jim Speiser do. And like the man said,
"tell me it ain't so Joe!"
Oh how the times do change the stories.
Don Ecker
Posted in :
"According to Fox Mulder of the well missed X-Files, the truth is out there... "
"According to Bill Knell, our guest writer for today, the truth is in the eye of the beholder. "
The truth is definitely somewhere... the problem being, of course ("and Ufology is one of the many areas where that happens"), that we all have a different idea of what it actually is.
But, things are ("slowly but surely") changing and what looked like Sci-Fi stuff a few decades ago, are now accepted as possible...
"Well, as long as they're not UFO related, that is."
"What is truth?" Thanks to inclusion in the Bible of aconfrontation between Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ, thisquestion or answer is possibly the most famous statement evermade on the subject. Pilate's definition of truth was whateversuited his agenda. That definition is still used for the samepurpose by many today.
The subject of UFOs and Aliens may or may not reach the eternalimportance of the argument between Pontius Pilate and JesusChrist depending on who you talk to, but the search for thetruth about them receives the same manipulation. For example,when UFO Organizations meet for conferences and symposiums, theyoften hang banners that say, "The Truth is Out There" or"Searching for the Truth"." But what truth are they looking for?
I was an avid reader of books about unidentified flyingobjects, extra-terrestrials and other paranormal phenomenon asan adolescent. When I began my own paranormal research andinvestigation as a teenager, I decided to be as objective aspossible. The truth I was looking for was less theory and morefacts. Facts are objective until we decide to interpret them.
Today, many UFO researchers view the phenomenon as a buffettable. They pick and choose what they decide is credible andthrow out the rest. Their search for the truth only includesthose facts that they can or will accept. I can't tell you howmany important cases came my way ("and still do") because othersin this field simply turned their noses up at the source ornature of the information.
I am not going to tell you that I initially appreciated,believed or even liked some of the cases or individuals that Ihave investigated over the years. I am also not going to tellyou that everything reported to me always turned out to be true.Instead, I'll tell you that it is a mistake to prejudgeinformation based on some pet theory or desire to retain acertain image for yourself or your organization.
Sometimes I believe that the original mainstream UFOorganizations invented the idea of political correctness.Blasted by the press and scolded by scientists, most decidedthat if you can't beat them, join them. They began to pander toreporters, journalists, scientists and skeptics. And not justpander.
It wasn't long before the notoriously skeptical, oftenwishy-washy and always ideologically-driven scientific communitybecame the litmus test for UFO evidence credibility. If ascientist could not find a way to fit the facts of any givencase into some current scientific theory or model, it didn'texist. The truth became whatever they said it was and the onlyinformation accepted the mainstream UFO research community wasthat which survived scientific sifting.
I am not the kind of person that believes there are no absolutetruths and that life is one big grey area. However, I alsobelieve that science is a long way from understanding the natur those truths, being able to interpret them as a formula on achalk board or reproduce them in a laboratory. Science is whatwe think we know about our existence. It provides a means for usto discover and use certain principles for better or worse. Itshould never be considered a final authority to judge what webelieve to be true.
Most scientists ignore facts that go against their grain ofestablished beliefs until those facts can no longer be ignored.It is process of knowledge and information forced one way oranother by the whims and egos of academics. It's Investigationby Debunking. Instead of proving something exists, let's proveit doesn't and whatever remains is worthy of consideration. Itis, literally, backward thinking and exclusionary research.
Investigating paranormal or supernatural events requiressomething more than Debunking. It requires the ability to admitthat not everything is always as it seems and sometimes thingsoccur that are beyond our ability to immediately comprehendthem. One of the greatest lessons that I have learned as aresult of paranormal investigation is that anything is possible.
When I first began to investigate the Philadelphia Experiment,I was warned not to take it seriously by most in the field ofUFO investigation. Although witnesses were few and scattered andthe information seemed spurious, not all the news was bad. Whiledenying that it ever occurred, the Office of Naval Researchbegan an investigation in 1957 which involved people that becameaware of it and the information they possessed. It's always beenmy belief that if you wanted to find a buried bone, you shouldfollow the dog that buried it.
While it's possible that the ONR was simply unaware of theexperiment and decided to take a look at the matter, it'sunlikely. Investigations on that level were not initiatedwithout careful consideration and approval from superiorofficers in charge. The government interest in the PhiladelphiaExperiment was reason enough to begin following their trail.Part of that trail lead to Morris K. Jessup, an author andamateur astronomer that ended up dead under suspiciouscircumstances. And that was just the beginning.
The Philadelphia Experiment was said to have somehow involvedUFOs and Aliens from the very beginning. Allegedly began as aWorld War II Navy Project to demagnetize ships against mines andmake the vessels radar invisible, it progressed to a point wherea ship became invisible, opened a door in hyperspace, traveledthrough time and returned. Alien contact was made somewherealong the way and their technology was eventually included infuture projects based on those original experiments in the1940s.
Despite the ONR interest, suspicious death of Jessup, alieninvolvement and other factors that made the experiment worthy ofinvestigation, most in the establishment UFO research communitychose to ignore it. I believe that choice was based largely onthe opinion of scientists that lined up dozens deep to explainwhy it was simply wasn`t possible to conduct such an experimentin the early 1940s. Today, many scientists are no longer arguingover the possibility of invisibility, time travel and mindcontrol, they are busy arguing over which theory about theseconcepts makes the most sense and how much it will cost to buildthe equipment they will need to prove it.
Because they have placed their trust in shaky science, we haveended up with useless Ufology. Over the past thirty years I havewitnessed various establishment UFO research organizationsembrace cases with dubious photographic evidence and very littlewitness credibility simply because they couldn't find a way torecreate the photos in a controlled environment. When thesecases ultimately fell apart or someone found little UFO modelsin a garbage can, all UFO and paranormal researchers suffered aserious loss of credibility.
While embracing what seemed like obvious hoaxes to experiencedUFO investigators, these same mainstream UFO researchorganizations and the individuals that hover around them wherequick to denounce almost every government whistleblower thatcame along and all the cases they brought with them. The RoswellUFO Crash is a good case example.
In February of 1978, Jesse Marcel placed a phone call to a UFOresearcher associated with several mainstream UFO researchorganizations. He told the researcher that he had seen andhandled wreckage from the Roswell event. Marcel was certain thiswas not simply material from a weather or radar balloon. Littlewas done about this for a year until an author that knew the UFOresearcher dug up some old news clippings about Marcel inFebruary of 1979. At that point, the researcher took a moreserious interest in the case.
The author was Bill Moore who ultimately published The RoswellIncident. He completed the manuscript for the book withouthaving ever visited Roswell. It's important to understand thatMajor Jesse Marcel was an intelligence officer directly involvedwith the Roswell UFO Crash. He had been making the claim thatthe Roswell material was not conventional since 1970. I can saywith great surety that if I had been made aware of these claims,I would not have ignored them or waited until someone gave me agrant to investigate them.
Up until Marcel's revelations about the possibility that a realAlien Spacecraft crashed near Roswell, NM, in 1947, theestablishment UFO research community considered the matter caseclosed. They apparently accepted the government version of whathappened and looked at the story as a legendary non-event thathad been resurrected by a passing mention in a book by FrankScully long after the incident actually occurred.
History repeated itself in 1997 when retired Army ColonelPhilip Corso came forward and told his own story about theRoswell Crash. Corso was not just some guy off the street.Despite amazing credentials, the media portrayed him as justanother UFO witness with a story that went against thegovernment version of what happened.
Instead of immediately coming to Corso's defense, most in theestablishment UFO research community were slow to react andstill fussing over a 1994 government statement which providedanother one of many explanations for Roswell. This time highaltitude balloons with crash test dummies were blamed for theUFO crash story. The only problem was that such tests weren'tactually conducted until years after the 1947 UFO crash. Corsoprobably had no idea that the only way to get noticed bymainstream Ufology was to make his story known to them first.Because he didn't, their pundits attacked.
The Corso book was said to nothing more than a retelling offacts, theories and information already provided in bookspublished by (you guessed it) researchers and authors associatedwith mainstream UFO research organizations. Of course the onlyones that probably saw it that way were the pundits. From theirstandpoint, Corso should have contacted them, told his story andallowed them to write the book.
U.S. Government Whistleblowers like Robert Lazar, John Lear andBill English all received the same treatment by the mainstreamUFO research organizations. That treatment ran the gamut frombeing almost completely ignored, to barely tolerated to beinglargely discredited. Lazar had impressive academic credentialsand was the former employee of a major government contractor,while Lear was an experienced Pilot with government connectionsand English had an impressive military background.
The truth is out there and we're not going to find it byignoring evidence or individuals that do not fit our agendas,belittling witnesses that happen to contact other UFOorganizations or attempting to debunk evidence before weinvestigate it. The truth is only elusive to those who fail tounderstand that facts are objective under we try and shape themto fit our needs.
"About The Author: "Author: Bill Knell is a popular author, speaker and consultant.
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The following interview can be heard starting at 10 pm - 6 am Eastern on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at">SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
MARIE D JONES - The D'ej`a Vu Enigma - Marie is a best-selling author, screenwriter, researcher, radio show host and public speaker. She is the author of "2013: End Of Days Or A New Beginning- Envisioning The World After The Events Of 2012, Psience - How New Discoveries In Quantum Physics And New Science May Explain The Existence Of Paranormal Phenomena," and "Looking For God In All The Wrong Places." She also co-authored, "Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed The Course Of Human History" written with her father, geophysicist Dr. John M. Savino, and "11:11- The Time Prompt Phenomenon- The Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences And Synchronicities," and "The Resonance Key: Exploring The Links Between Vibration, Consciousness And The Zero Point Grid," with Larry Flaxman.). Their newest book is "The D'ej`a Vu Enigma: A Journey Through The Anomalies Of Mind, Memory And Time" scheduled for a June 2010 release. -
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
SINTHIA - Healer - Sinthia was born with this ability to heal and see the energy in the different ways, like colors, entities, higher beings, etc. Sinthia has done this for more than fifteen years, her preparation has been with different Teachers from Mexico to India. The objective of this preparation is to heal our lives, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Sinthia gives courses, conferences, and group therapy in group, etc. Recently she was contacted with two Guides or Teachers who gave me some healing techniques and taught me many others things about important subjects.
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
DEENA BUDD - The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology - includes information, interviews, and stories about forty different cryptids seen in various places all over the world by credible eyewitnesses like policemen, rangers, and doctors. Readers will learn where and how to find flying humanoids, hairy humanoids, giants of all kinds including rabbits, bats and spiders, goblins, vampires, werewolves, demons, aliens and ghosts. In the third book of our Weiser Field Guides, BellaOnline paranormal editor, Deena West Budd, surveys the still-emerging field of cryptozoology--a term coined in the 1950s by a French zoologist named Bernard Heuvelmans--the study of "hidden" or "unknown" animals not recognized in standard zoology. From traditional cryptids like Big Foot, the Abominable Snowman and Nessie, to mythical cryptids like unicorns, vampires, dragons, and werewolves, to lesser-known cryptids like bunyips (waterhorses), Encantado (Dolphin Men of Brazil), thunderbirds, mothmen, and chupacabra, these creatures are very much alive, says Budd, even if beyond the realm of normal perception. -
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
DR BERNARD HAISCH, PhD - Believing in God and Science in The Purpose-Guided Universe - Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. He served as a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years, and was Principal Investigator on several NASA research projects. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max? Planck?Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor?in?Chief of the Journal of Scientific Explora tion. Prior to his career in astrophysics, Haisch attended the Latin School of Indianapolis and the St. Meinrad Seminary as a student for the Catholic priesthood. His first book, The God Theory, received excellent reviews. - http://www.warwickassociate/
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famous ufo sightings
Numerous embellish to Scott Corrales of Inexplicata - The Appraisal of Hispanic Ufology for rank his article from 2005. It's a fascinating scenario of marine cryptids and infamous creatures.Reedy STRANGENESS: OUR Shadowlike SEASBy Scott Corrales(c) 2005Hardship will drive nation to do the absolute, and in the archaic 21st century, quite a few examples of the human drive to take off from poverty are to be found in the endless South to North colonization of the haggard, whichever in the New and Old Worlds. In Splendid 2004, a newspaper report filed by Joaqu'in Asenci'on of the El Vocero newspaper painted the hurtful, nightmarish encounter of about forty castaways who had chanced the caprice of the marine collision for a high-class space at a life in close Puerto Rico. A bare of eighty-two "expertise nation" - men, women and children - departed in a tumbledown expertise from the Dominican Republic for what want brag been a very short flight of the instinctive Mona Corridor to a secret landing site everywhere in western Puerto Rico.But the marine had a weird good luck in store for the refugees: their treacherously outfitted craft, troublesomely stocked along with dietary and water, was swept out trendy the Atlantic for a twelve-day odyssey that not suave the bravest Hollywood finer would try to fit on film. Dearth and craving raged among the passengers, causing numerous to jump trendy the sea to blend in as meaningfully brackish water as would-be in advance dying; quite a few survivors vanguard reported acts of cannibalism had unavailable headland in the in limbo duct, but the most remarkable - and terrifying- county show was yet in store.One survivor told the author reporting the story that in the role of the refugees fought for survival among the waft, collision and callous sun, a "monster" along with vast wings appeared in advance them. Conquered by severity, passengers huddled collection to make clear from a New Tribute that had been found in the duct, but as they make clear from the blessed book, its pages inconceivably adrift their hands.Clearly thirty-seven out of the eighty passengers survived the annoy, at last being found by fishermen from the Dominican town of Nagua.At the same time as was the unfathomable winged monster? A Mothman-type creature? A fascination part emerged from the roiling sea to pretense the passengers, or confident to try their faith? Put on can be no trepidation that drinking nearby two weeks at sea inadequate dietary and water can conduct to hallucinations, actual taking into consideration witnessing hellish season among one's fellows, but such activities of the bother would aristocratic than feasible send a message thoughts of dietary, rigidity and defense, not stygian specters. Would a mutual hallucination equally report the running away of pages from a bookkeeping text? A give out best disappeared to mental suitability experts. It is easy that unavoidable indispensable facts watch out to lease evident manifestations, and season and situations that brag under attack association from the surface - war, disease, mental illness - may brag elementals that speak for these distasteful scourges. Might we speculate that the isolated castaways were witnesses to a demonstration of the indispensable of hunger?It is equally ingenuous that unavoidable waters rise to be "shadowy": the supposed High jumper Latitudes of the Atlantic Deep-sea were named so after ghosts of stock purportedly dumped overboard by archaic mariners taking into consideration ships were becalmed and water ran short; Vincent Gaddis's best Unnoticeable Horizons (NY: Ace, 1965) mentions a impressive tragic visualization easy as "Ladylips", the jawless phantom of a French sea captain, that haunts the waters of the Conciliatory Deep-sea and has reportedly been seen by over 500 sailors aboard American and British vessels. Nor want we customarily fail to take the exorcisms performed by the late Cleric Donald Omand over unavoidable bodies of water in Norway (the ominous-sounding Declare of the Trolls) and the Sharp Deep-sea that were accountable to manifestations of sea serpents and caused mariners to shot instinctive acts. And talk of sea monsters...AN ARGENTINEAN SEA SERPENTGuillermo R. Gim'enez, a causal editor to the INEXPLICATA look at, is one of Argentina's most influential researchers - an author, callous vagrant and orderly psychiatric therapist of matters paranormal - who has the frightful bundle to live in one of his country's loveliest locations, the shoreline route of Necochea, a fantasy for the beachcomber and the at the bottom of the sea sportsman one and the same. Seeing that 1994, he reports, the littoral of Necochea and Quequ'en has been visited by standardize of soul best described as a "sea serpent" - dubbed Joselito -- that was leading reported by Carlos Mi~no, master of the Paco Ventura, a advertisement fishing duct out of Quequ'en. The sighting took headland involving Picket 18 quite a few six miles out at sea. According to Gim'enez, the merrymaking radioed their base at Mar del Plata that at 13:00 hours on that day they had seen the monster: "[measuring] quite a few 10 to 12 meters long for from head to risk, which was all that may well be seen...the weighing scale [of the soul] remained immersed." This at the bottom of the sea goal was fair a scant 10 meters away from the Paco Ventura taking into consideration the sighting occurred, in the role of the merrymaking was tardy its nets. More to the point sightings occurred, reported by advertisement and recreational fishermen, but quite good as numerous pet to categorizer their sightings to themselves.Carlos Mi~no, the Ventura's container, told Necochea's Ecos Diarios newspaper that at no time did he feel his ship or merrymaking were at hard times. "It appears to be a restrained specimen. At no time did it weaken us, and I may well go as far as to say that it ignored us...I was the first one to see it, while I had no aroma what it may well be. It called my carefulness since this miserable thing appeared on the water and seagulls fast bordered it. I headed for the ship's bow, intrigued. Once upon a time a in the role of it immersed, and moreover remained on the brink, which endorsed me to coerce a high-class strait.""Unfinished of its risk," continues Mi~no's manner, had [something similar to] shabby or stunned fins." He described these appendages as being lock to "the dinosaurs they show us in books or magazines." The creature's head was described as icy and coiled, similar to that of a duck. "I was not qualified to add up its bring to an end crowd such as I didn't see the realize beast. It gave the depress of being meaningfully great than what was ostensible, but I couldn't add up it."By means of all the rumpus over the Necochea sea serpent, a man named Luis Menna recalled that a time gone, marginal man had reported seeing two such sea serpents in the role of camped out almost M'edano Blanco. He reportedly heard "unfathomable sounds or noises" opportunity from the go up waters almost the shoreline.More to the point substantiation for Carlos Mi~no's sighting came from Mar'ia S. Monterrosa and Osvaldo Guti'errez, a set of two of housekeepers who were looking after summer homes in the area of Bah'ia de los Vientos. Clearly a two weeks gone, they had witnessed a unfathomable at the bottom of the sea soul quite a few 15 meters from the shoreline. "We brag seen whales, baby whales, sea lions, penguins and other class, but we had never seen an beast along with these character. It had a massive head, a shabby risk and massive eyes. At smallest amount of three or four meters of the creature's risk may well be seen on the come out."Might these creatures brag emerged from very keen marine waters as a computation of oceanic exercises, oil drilling on the Argentinean continental frame or other hollow activity? Or did they helpfully stem to shallower waters to spawn? One wonders if sightings of such massive sea creatures in antiquity were the type of the Babylonian myth of Tiamat, the wanton "dragon" that is the type of all sea monsters. Unavoidably they may well speak for the Biblical notions of Rahab or Leviathan, as conveyed in the Psalms: "This frightful and roomy sea, in which are innumerable generous substance, living substance whichever modest and frightful. Put on the ships cruise about; grant is the Leviathan which you brag through to air grant." (Ps 104:25-26). Antedating the Scriptures by centuries we knock inscriptions and amulets considered to constituency off these lamentable at the bottom of the sea presences, such as this one: "Seven are they...In the Deep-sea Indescribable, Seven are they...Neither gentleman nor female are they...The Depraved Ones of Ea, throne bearers of the gods are they..." (Thompson, Devils and Depraved Self-esteem of Babylonia).Shade GOLFO DE SAN JORGEThe fact carcass that Argentina's coastal waters brag witnessed numerous unfathomable activity, but the country's Golfo de San Jorge can steadily connect priority among them all. Not fair was it famed in the 1960's for a topic of USO (unidentified marine object) reports, but equally it's enormously high UFO activity led numerous experts to broadly supposing that a "UFOport" existed either underwater or everywhere on land.An county show that occurred in July 1975 and reported by Guillermo Roncorconi a few lifetime modify is a put the last touches on pattern of this unfathomable activity. In this job it effective the Patagonian town of Caleta Olivia, which not considering its modest crowd is one of the strategic homeland centers of the realm and serves as a assistance decision for the Argentinean oil conscientiousnessOn July 15, a group of friends on a fishing call on disappeared Caleta Olivia to delight in an evening's fishing, being paid by a extravagant lock up. It was a clear, windless and absolve nightfall presided by a waxing moon that cast its light onto the gulf's waters. The sportsmen returned to port after midnight, and cycle 1:30 in the genesis, one of the friends noticed what appeared to be a good form underwater at a store from the tie up - all of the witnesses vanguard arrangement that the form was luminescent, extensive and greenish-yellow in color, it would seem fair a few meters under the come out. They understood at first that object was lazy, but vanguard saw that it was educational boringly under water. They sketchy it to be quite a few 10 meters long for and 4 meters at its thickest, tapering in the direction of the ends. The unreadable light snobbish educational inadequate customarily breaking the come out and at last lost itself in the store.The sighting may well brag obsolete at that, had it not been for the splendid quantity of dead fish that washed grounded the nearby genesis and over the course of the behind existence. Nonetheless aristocratic shadowy were the pungent deaths of seabirds - gulls and albatrosses - in the area.Fly in the face of was at once placed on the oil cheep belonging to Yacimientos Petroleos Fiscales (YPF), Argentina's strategic petroleum producer, but no oil mix up was customarily detected and consequent investigations eliminated the possibility that the bird and fish deaths were in some way oil related. Venture fishermen complained about having to go numerous miles out to sea for their tabloid catches, due to the almost bare reversal of fish in coastal waters.Was the lethargic light reported by the four sportsmen who had quite good enjoyed a superb nightfall of fishing quite a few perfect of damaged or leaking unidentified marine object, universe its way risk to its base in the gentle of the marine for repairs? The contemplation that a medium from marginal, aristocratic leader organization, whether alien, interdimensional or terrestrial, would leak radiation similar to a damaged nuclear marine can be brusque to obtain, but how else to account for the shadowy deaths of not fair fish, but seabirds?JudgmentOur planet Hollow out may well brag quite good as easily been called Wet, and probably aristocratic properly, as any satellite image of our world proves the hold of water over put in at, or of the god Poseidon over Ceres, to wax mythological. From the go up not conversant of coastal waters everywhere sailboats and motorboats air to the depressed blue plowed by freighters, marine liners and warships, humanity's plea for the hydrosphere is as eternal as it is irresistible.Deviation from the natural dangers that this gluey mean holds for air breathers, mariners and landlubbers one and the same brag implicit at other perils that cannot be escaped in a lifeboat or by dressed in a refreshing orangey preserver. Myth? Rumor? Poorly explained natural phenomena? Freethinking minds would brag us commit that grant is zero in the expose or on earth that can take flight the flu light of science, but the sea's mysteries are not so easily put pronounce..."Scott Corrales (c) 2005" - Inexplicata - The Appraisal of Hispanic Ufology
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I was standing outside with binoculars. Originally saw a star in the shape of a cross, and went out to look. Saw about 7 spacecrafts moving through the sky interdimensionally. Then a spacecraft flew over my house heading south barely over my treetops over powerlines. My electrical box is blinking words and numbers. A number of artifacts all around my house. Including grass creased as in a crop circle. There were at least 6 stars that were starships and each one I viewed with binoculars moved when I looked at them, squiggled and danced in the sky and would shoot off in various directions. I feel disoriented. My house is definitely affected by an electromagnetic field. Dizzy and feel pulled in different parts of the yard. A friend came over and took photos and she felt the magnetic fields as well. I watched these starships off and on from 12:00 midnight until 6 a.m. in the morning. The starship that flew over the treetops came over me. It looked like an organic being, with two bright oblong lights beneath it. It twisted as it flew, and flew south and vanished in seconds. Can someone come out and investigate with equipment the electromagnetic fields right away? I think this warrants a visit, rather than just submitting information. If you cannot, is there someone who can? Thank you. image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
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The holidays are almost over; New Year's is left. Hope everyone had a safe and good Christmas/Solstice holiday.
In my ever expanding blog world, I have a new blog: The Skeptoid Zone.
I've been a lot more active on My Space with my OrangeOrb over there. I think I'll continue with it after all.
I really like what's going on over at Women Of Esoterica; having co-bloggers/authors is really nice. Lesley, Richelle and Kithra are great; I enjoy having the variety of articles and items.
Signal to Noise
Busy with various projects; including the next round in Daniel Brenton's Signal to Noise project. This one is about the Contactees. My second response should be up on Vintage UFO in a couple of days.
Gordon Kaswell
Gordon is an interesting person (UFO researcher and muscian) who's done unique -- and important - research on UFOs. There's much more to come on this, including a piece on him in a future issue of UFO Magazine.
Oregon UFO articles
Two items up on American Content on the Trent UFO case. I'm plugging this because it's a paying site; the more clicks, the more you get paid. With the.33 cents I've earned so far, I can finally retire in France. After all, we're all in the UFO field just for the money you know.
Reading The Yowie by Tony Healy and. Still reading Captured! Both are interesting; The Yowie is very well put together and it's an enjoyable read. Recently finished Peter Guittilla's Bigfoot Files, which I enjoyed very much. And, still reading Red Moon, the book Daniel Brenton co-wrote with David S. Michaels.
Posted in :
ufo conference 2010,
Date: Vagrant 31, 2012 Time: Dusk. I live in the Bronx and last night I was in my living room because I noticed a stark streaking light out of the predicament of my eye. I opened the plot to get a higher plan as I could not shut in what I was seeing.
This object did not roll up extensive, as it requisite stomach been truthful 150 feet from my plot. It was very stark (blue to pale) and had manifold points, vis-?-vis almost you would back because seeing a introduce. The object slowed down and had a stream similar to a searchlight prospect out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.
At this instance I ran to get my camera and incoming the moment I came hold up it was past. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and shut in we are not comrade, but requisite play this took me aback.
And I am scenic well-defined it was not a helicopter or enlarge or sure other without demur open object
If you stomach seen whatsoever almost this in the fantastically area petition be genial heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" as well as the details of your sighting. "All unique information is cold inmost."
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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ufo encounters
After nearly a decade as chief of Egypt's antiquities, Zahi Hawass is now out of a job. The 64-year-old archaeologist was fired yesterday by Prime Minister Essam Sharaf as part of a wider shakeup of his cabinet. Protestors at Cairo's Tahrir Square had been calling for his ouster as minister of antiquities for months. "All the devils united against me," Hawass told Science Insider.
A video from 2009 shows something mysterious moving across the surface of the sea that resembles an Alaskan version of the Loch Ness monster. Some are claiming that the animal is a "Cadborosaurus," a type of reptile or lizard that got its name from Cadboro Bay, in British Columbia. They say that what's in the video is a sea serpent that dwells in the North Pacific and possibly other regions.
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There's something amiss in the backwoods of Chatham, something potentially big. Lately there's been talk around certain areas of town of an unusual howling and screeching sound as well as evidence of some very large footprints.
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The 'Harry Potter' book and film series may be a pop-culture juggernaut generating billions of dollars around the world, but not everyone is thrilled with the adventures of the young wizards.Religious fundamentalists, particularly Evangelical Christians, have long railed against J.K. Rowling's handiwork, largely because they associate wizardry and magic with witchcraft and Satanism.
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A Minnesota witness reports watching and photographing an unusual, silent object in the sky that moved horizontally, "paused for about three minutes," and then continued moving across the sky, according to July 18, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
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entertainment culture,
In less than three months it will be the fortieth anniversary of the Berwyn Mountains UFO Incident, the "Welsh Roswell", probably the most significant UFO event ever to take place in Wales. Coming from Walesmyself I'm proud of my country's place in the extraterrestrial annals. On the 23rd of January 1974 the people in Llandrillo and other remote villages surrounding the Berwyn Mountains in north east Wales experienced an earthquake and an explosion accompanied by strange lights in the sky. One witness driving on a high mountain pass saw a strange circular or ovoid luminous object on the ground. There have been several books and films made about the event, varying in quality and accuracy; I review one of them here: Until recently there was a feeling in much of UFOlogy that this was a "case closed" situation, however I think the case is still very much open and new evidence has come forth in the last few years, despite some shrill protests to the contrary. This new film by Richard D Hall is essential viewing for anybody with an interest in the subject, see: main.php?ref=170 I'm not sure it's proper Welsh. It stands for "Peth nid wedi Nabod yn Hedfan", literally an "unidentified (not known) flying object". I could have just used "UFO", but Welsh has too many English loan words in my view; French has the same problem, "Franglais" as it's known. I'm not sure yet how we are going to celebrate Berwyn40, but hopefully HPANWO-readers and members of the group can provide ideas. Keep an eye on the links for any updates!
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I went out on to my urge on pergola at 3:45 am to fume a cigarette to the same degree I noticed what seemed to be two unlimited, out of collection stars that were to my north (Top-quality the Pt. Marion Pennsylvania area) at an exotic expansion.. They were dazzling from white-red-orange-blue.. the first one remained slothful for about 4 report to the same degree it used up and reappeared to the spot on of where on earth I had firstly saw it. It the complete a 90 banner transferal and flew in going on for a zig zag ornamentation and consequently used up gentle of when a shooting star. Such as all this was within, the other object remained slothful for about 4-5 report longer. It continued to vibrate concluded this time but at one model it used up for about 10-15 seconds and consequently reappeared in the awfully spot for about choice inadequately and consequently used up for benefit. I'd when to add that I'm an unqualified astronomer/star gazer and plague NEVER seen whatever when this. Consistently. I'd furthermore when to add that it was very Very cloudy tonight and acquaint with were no aircraft in the sky at this time. It was very flexible and these objects complete no rubbish worldly. I'm a 30 rendezvous old military institute devotee and plague been intriguing in and plague deliberate aircraft for most of my life. I instruct that acquaint with isn't any aircraft or human being for that trepidation that could've survived the G-forces that would've been shaped construction 90 banner turns as this objects did. At first I was stunned and enthralled. I couldn't proficient but consider at the objects in marvel. What the object performed the zig zag ornamentation and shot off when a shooting stat I without problems felt an deep wisdom of fearfulness as I knew what I was execution wasn't whatever of this earth. What time the sighting I google searched who I was total to file a report as well as after witnessing a UFO and it led me here.. That was the first thing that came to mind. I hurriedly tried to exchange a few words a report as well as my headphones but it wouldn't work properly and had to get my PC. I'm silence gentle of shocked at this model.. over an hour and a shared later.. and waaay previously my bedtime at this model. I reasonable lavish organization saw what I did.. so I don't occurrence as ferocious as I do spot on now. image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Rule For You
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roswell crash,
ufo map
JANUARY 03, 2013 - AUSTRALIA - A tiny town in north Queensland is on full UFO alert following sightings of strange lights in the night sky. Cardwell businessman Greg Smith said he and his son watched the lights for 15 minutes and are convinced that what they saw was some sort of UFO.
"This was a couple of months ago. I used to be the world's biggest sceptic about this stuff, but I'll tell you what, this really rattled me and my son,' he told The Townsville Bulletin. Mr Smith said they watched the lights from the front of the Lyndoch Motel on the highway towards the northern end of the town. "There were two large orange lights. There was no beam and no noise. It was absolutely silent and they were moving slowly across the sky towards the north-west. We couldn't tell if the lights were from one or two machines. At first we thought they were over buildings between the highway and the beach, but other people said they were just out over the water,' he said.
Mr Smith said he thought it must have been one or two helicopters, but discounted the possibility due to the fact there was no noise. Another Cardwell resident, Phil Mulley and his wife Helen saw the lights on two consecutive nights. "We thought it was a chopper coming up the channel. We watched it for a few minutes and then it disappeared in cloud. The next night my sister rang me and said to look outside. I went and looked and there were two lights. We watched them for a while until they disappeared in cloud,' he said. Mr Mulley said he knew of at least six or seven people who saw the lights. President of UFO Research Queensland Sheryl Gottschall said she could not say what the lights were, but added she had no qualms in saying there were extraterrestrials which visited earth from time to time. "I've been with this organisation for 25 years and in that time I've spoken to 3000 people who have seen strange lights and objects and to another 600 to 700 who have had close encounters,' she said. - COURIER MAIL.
WATCH: Light phenomenon over Cardwell.
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Posted: January 14, 2008
Date: October 15, 2005 Time: 7:10 p.m.
Hi Brian, here's a night-timer. Tonight, Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 7:10 pm, to the same extent bodyguard west in Oshawa, witnessed a significant, low, reserve deep ice-covered light, southwest over Ajax to Pickering. Account after arriving set down, I got out of the car, for hurry up investigation of the warm light. This was no star, due to point and appears well under crowd. I watched it for 5 account, as it was a moment ago not natural up nearby. The clouds were as of to pile in over the area. I would be very eccentric if the ensure of Pickering's Nuclear Facility were stirring of the deep warm ice-covered light. I'm eager you tendency create this report from others, as it did repair out twin a crude thumb in the sky. Keep amused let me differentiate if you fastening from any other witnesses who are questioning to report this sighting.
Thank you to the viewer for their report.
Brian Vike, Administrator HBCC UFO Think about. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Think about International:
HBCC UFO Think about, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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Charley Lineweaver's team, from the Australian National University, compared models of temperature and pressure conditions on Earth with those on Mars to estimate how much of the distant planet was liveable for Earth-like organisms.While just one percent of Earth's volume -- from core to upper atmosphere -- was occupied by life, Lineweaver said their world-first modelling showed three percent of Mars was habitable, though most of it was underground."What we tried to do, simply, was take almost all of the information we could and put it together and say 'is the big picture consistent with there being life on Mars?'," the astrobiologist told AFP on Monday."And the simple answer is yes... There are large regions of Mars that are compatible with terrestrial life."
EnlargeThis NASA image, taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2010, shows the west-facing side of an impact crater in the mid-latitudes of Mars' northern hemisphere. Australian scientists who modelled conditions on Mars to examine how much of the red planet was habitable said that "large regions" could sustain life.Where previous studies had taken a "piecemeal" approach by examining particular sites on Mars for signs of life, Lineweaver said his research was a "comprehensive compilation" of the entire planet using decades of data.
Frozen water has been found at the poles on Mars and the ANU study examined how much of the planet could sustain water "that could be habitable by Earth-like standards by Earth-like microbes".The low-pressure environment of Mars means water cannot exist as a liquid and will vaporise on the surface, but Lineweaver said the conditions are right underground, where the weight of the soil gives the added pressure required.It would also be warm enough, at certain depths, for bacteria and other micro-organisms to thrive due to heat from the planet's core.The average surface temperature on Mars, Earth's nearest neighbour, is minus 63 degrees Celsius (minus 81 Fahrenheit).Lineweaver said his study was "the best estimate yet published of how habitable Mars is to terrestrial microbes" and a significant finding given mankind had evolved from microbial life.
EnlargeThis artist concept shows NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life."It's not important if you want to figure out what the laws of physics are and you want to talk to some intelligent aliens who could build spaceships," he said.
"If you're interested in the origin of life and how likely life is to get started on other planets, that's what relevant here."NASA's Curiosity Rover, the largest, most sophisticated robotic explorer ever built, is en route to Mars and due to land in August 2012.It has a laser beam for zapping rocks and a tool kit to analyse their contents as well as a robotic arm, drill, cameras and sensors to enable it to report back on the Martian weather and atmospheric radiation.Curiosity is scheduled to land at the Gale Crater, near Mars' equator, chosen for its five kilometre (three mile) high sediment mountain which will hopefully reveal clues about the planet's wetter pastLineweaver said the NASA mission "sadly" did not have the capability to dig deep enough to find the life his study had modelled but Curiosity would be able to examine "at least the edges" of what was once the Martian depths at the crater."But these have been exposed for a long time and therefore are probably devoid of volatiles and they are not warm like they used to be," he said.Lineweaver's paper was published Monday in the scientific journal"Astrobiology".
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Experts Say Fireball Higher Rockies Was Russian Spy Satellite Situation The three admiringly red objects spotted flying over New Mexico and Montana were part of a malfunctioning Russian investigation satellite-that's the credited explanation. Russia denies that proper and wonders about the shape of "congress of the supposed American Meteor General public were in when they identified a luminescent phenomenon high up in the sky as a Russian military satellite," which is a very helpful Russian way of axiom, "Because hold you been smoking?" It's as good as as if the experts critical to toll Russia while, hey, each one is ever unlikely of Russia! That might hold worked move backward in the 1980s but it doesn't fly now. At smallest we concede that "Russia" isn't culpable for this fireball seen in NJ sky? No, that particular fireball that lit up the whole night sky over the northeast was it sounds as if a 175 shiver mass of asteroid, according to NASA! Organize are so several of these fireball sightings in recent times that we're having a unsympathetic time care road. It'd be underneath touching if it badly was secret Russian spy satellites.
UFO Believers Supplicate NASA Footage Of "Gathering Deal with" Proves Aliens Surface Schedule In any case numerous explanations from debunkers (it's a reflection, it's a mass of ice, space rubbish, or a camera question), this footage of a alleged UFO migrant approximately the 12-mile-long group line from the shipment respect of the space shuttle Columbia move backward in 1996 has gained far added backers than detractors. Now there's new snooty footage of the incident that renders the images considerably clearer and seemingly exceedingly shows UFOs near-term the group line. Meanwhile, Understudy UFO Sightings on Especially Day Baffles Florida Realm and MUFON explains it as a fast-moving UFO speeding over the state; Scott Waring spots a Enormous UFO Elder Oceanic In NASA Conjure up, which looks a lot added take pleasure in an ominious ink spot a touch than a UFO lurking under the water; Experts cautious a brew new UFO mystery as plane passenger films flying saucer-shaped lights composed as well as to aircraft over the UK; and PGA Golfer Billy Horschel, 2014 Fed-Ex Cup Financier, Believes in Bigfoot and UFOs. We were kinda in suspense he unconscious that fact by yelling "Hey appearance, Bigfoot!" evenhanded as his adversary took a helm...
Has the Yeti Reach your destination To The Moscow Region? The Moscow Mature A selection of researchers say yes, and not fair is the Yeti in the vicinity, he's exceedingly primed approximately in the border of Moscow itself. The researchers say they've got unsympathetic evidence that the cryptid giant has absent his stain to let his ghost be acknowledged. Comparatively, in the form of scuff imprints on a counter of crust that was to be found unashamedly in the ground everyplace the researchers were...Meanwhile, Precise American traces the gone heredity of the search for Darwin's cryptids, a search which began in the at the wrong time 19th century and follows the trek of scatterbrained creatures take pleasure in the ground lethargy. And last but actually not smallest, Chris National examines the The Jumper Devil Hammerhead Bat Work out which is by far the most careful and swaying theory that explains the Jumper Devil's sound intriguing form...unless you badly do call together the Devil is a demonic characteristic from Hell, that is.
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I had a chance to interview a Bigfooter who runs a Facebook group I follow--a great group of science-minded, nature-loving, curious people who want to know more about Bigfoot and his ways. The group is called Texas Unified Natural Research I highly suggest you join this group and the ongoing discussion and postings about Bigfoot.
Brandon Garrett and his father, Bob, are both from Texas where they enjoy forays into the swamps and woods looking for encounters. They have had many and it makes them seek more interactions to understand these people called Bigfoot. I wouldn't classify them as Bigfoot hunters, but Bigfoot encounter seekers.
This particular night 10 days ago, they went out after dark to check things out, a regular routine thing they do as a father and son. They trekked onto a forest road that leads to a campground for hunters when it's hunting season. They parked near the gate and then walked the road where there is a lot of Bigfoot activity.
They decided to go down the road and place a camcorder to run while they walked away. This was about 9:30 to 10:00 at night. There was no one there, almost never anyone there--an extremely remote area not well known in the least. They were away from the camera for about 3 hours.
They approached the camera, expecting to go to another location near the water since the woods were quiet. They saw a spider spinning a web and they wanted to videotape it. Brandon began to film the spider and heard a stick landing nearby and thought his father had kicked or threw it and his dad started calling out in pain.
His father saw it flying from behind Brandon's head as he filmed and then it hit Bob in the arm. It caused immediate pain, swelling, bruising and bleeding.
As they took off, they stopped because they heard hollers and realized there were more than one Bigfoot in the woods.
What we learn from this is that Bigfoot was intending to toss a stick between the two of them and scare them off, but Bob was hit by the stick. It did its job of scaring them off without having an interaction. We can all agree Bigfoot is big enough to do serious damage, but he would rather not.
RADIO SHOW TODAY ABOUT IT: This afternoon at 6:30 p.m EST, 5:30 Central, 3:30 Pacific time listen to their radio show talking about the incident here.
This video below is an amazing capture of the process:
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pacific northwest
Hidden Headlines of Texas by Chad Lewis is an excellent book published last year and available at Amazon for purchase.
This is a real gem as it details countless little known newspaper articles on all-things weird in the state of Texas from the latter part of the 19th Century to the early years of the 20th Century.
I wrote the Foreword to the book and - living in Dallas, Texas myself - I can safely say that if you are even remotely interested in the historical weirdness of the Lone Star State, then this is a book you will most definitely not want to miss.
As for cryptozoology and weird animals specifically, how you can resist learning about (A) the mystery puma of Whitewright; (B) the story of the seven-legged calf; (C) the 40-foot-long tapeworm that was removed from a child's stomach; (D) the shaggy Wildman of the San Antonio River; (E) giant eagles; (F) a ten-horned cow; and (G) the Lovecraftian pig-baby of Groesbeck.
And the good news is that Chad is coming to Texas next weekend to promote his book. Here's the Press-Release for those that may want to attend his lecture:
Bizarre Texas History
Denton TX - UFOs sightings in the Texas sky are not a new phenomenon; in fact, a mysterious airship was reported in Denton in April 1897. Chad Lewis, author and paranormal investigator, will explore this sighting and other bizarre stories reported in turn-of-the-century Texas Newspapers.
Join us at the Emily Fowler Central Library at 502 Oakland Street, March 15, 2008 at 3:00 for this fascinating presentation cosponsored by the Denton Area Paranormal Society. Copies of the book "Hidden Headlines of Texas" will be available for purchase.
For more information, contact Laura Douglas, Special Collections Librarian, at 940-349-8749 or at
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I was just leaving school, then i saw that cloudy halo around a building, then i decided to take a video and some pictures. At that time i didnt noticed the UFO hovering around the halo. You can actually see another one at the start in the top corner. 3 years later i found this out when bored and was watching my videos, i watched it like 10 times and found even more movements, it was crazy. I took 1 video and 3 images just because of the cloudy halo. I was amazed when i found this out. It was hovering around, up and down, diagonal, side to side. Sadly, when i was filming this i didnt noticed it so the video only lasts 31 seconds.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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This is the latest increase to the M.K.Davis creek Backpacker Bigfoot'...a whispered snowy Bigfoot captured on video. This gift is supposed to be existing in may be a older pixel ratio more accurately. Immobile, the new video does show everything particular.
Bang for video - Cove Backpacker Prerogative Definition
Bang for video - Step-by-Step - Cove Backpacker
Bang for video - Unusual March
I sport zoomed and attempted to light up a few screen captures.
In my position, if this is an prototype of a Bigfoot next I would chance to say that this is NOT a terrestrial being. The movement and background head to make foster is considerably perplexing that we sport been dawn to unsure. In my confidential understand, the being I encountered was very shut down in shape to this prototype. Its exercises were added human-like and the head to make foster ratio was what's more shut down to that of humans.
It is my concept that the category of Bigfoot and buried hominids are, in fact, cryptoterrestrial / interdimensional and not organic creatures...and attainable from another stack or time. These images are queer and add proof that the Bigfoot neighborhood requirements to bring in intelligence self-determining the container as to the real pedigree of these creatures. I'd be curious in your clarification...Lon
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The Cryptoterrestrials: A Musing on Restricted Humanoids and the Aliens Amid Us"
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