Sparks regurgitates the Roswell/Mogul hassle, and Kaku examines the SETI misread(s), in addition to selected asides about how any UFO study by science would jet the work(s) of the scientist(s) convoluted.
Sparks rambles, and digresses, which he willingly admits. Kaku is sharp and to the devise.
The finish of Sparks' piece is one of decay and conspiracy: the government, above the Air Harass, has policies that pit them (the AF) chary ufologists.
Kaku avoids a SETI conspiracy - to fiddle alien deduction - and makes it clear that the question of alien civilizations (and UFOs) is a bit stuck-up experienced than SETI or ufologists individual.
Sparks is dedicated on the Air Harass, as are most ufologists.
It's the Attached States Low everywhere the UFO mystery is off course and under control. The evidence is overwhelming, and we detail it at our UFO web-site.
The other thing is that Kaku is exact, Sparks not. Sparks is not a chatterer. Yes, he has selected bona fide UFO personal history, but speech-making? Not his fort'e.
Kimball accumulates lots of affair from ufologists and non-ufologists, but we starting place very bit imaginative UFO hypotheses by Kimball himself.
Such as this is the case, it would do well for Mr. Kimball to fail stuck-up Kaku and beneath Sparks, or any other ufologist of note.
You see, ufologists, aside from Stanton Friedman, righteous can't sustain a candle to the likes of a Michio Kaku.