"Recently on the Gralien Report I discussed briefly my interest in unconventional cryptozoology, that is, the study of strange beasties that fall outside the typical ranks of our Bigfoot, Yetis, and Loch Ness Monsters. Many may consider creatures like Chupacabras to be less conventional cousins to the classic cryptids, seeing as how they, along with Keel's Mothman, border more on the realm of interdimensional "alien oddities" than biological organisms as we know them. However, setting aside all these well-known creatures for a moment, I'd like to shift my focus to an all time favorite of mine in the annals of Fortean mysteries which, if what existing evidence suggests is accurate, points to a monstrosity somewhere beneath our oceans that might rival J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield monster. Sadly, whatever this thing may be, it couldn't be afforded an awesome name like Project Cloverfield, Kraken, Godzilla, or even Cthulhu (which, for reasons we'll soon explore, this creature may resemble most). Instead, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researchers that first recorded its haunting cries affectionately dubbed it "Bloop"."
And here's the rest of Micah's post.
Reference: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com