I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!
HTTP://WWW.AUSTRALIA.TO/INDEX.PHP?OPTION=COM CONTENT&VIEW=ARTICLE&ID=317:UFO">I now have three completely independent examples of individuals whom I trust reporting to me that individuals they trust have admitted to handling alien materials in "our" possession in the course of secret official duties.
Bernard Haisch, Ph. D. California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, Palo Alto (1999-2002) Staff Scientist Lockheed Martin, Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Palo Alto (1979-1999) Scientific Editor The Astrophysical Journal (1993-2002) Deputy Director Center for EUV Astrophysics, Univ. Calif., Berkeley (1992-1994) Visiting Fellow Max-Planck-Institute fuer Extraterr. Physik, Garching, Germany (1991-1994) Editor-in-Chief Journal of Scientific Exploration (1988-1999) Visiting Scientist The Astronomical Institute, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands (1977-1978) Research Associate Joint Inst. Lab. Astrophysics, Univ. Colorado, Boulder (1975-1977, 1978-1979) Ph.D.University of Wisconsin, Madison, Astronomy (1975) B.S. with High Distinction Indiana University, Bloomington, Astrophysics (1971)
Update : Edger Mitchell Vid. recieved from Alien Casebook, Thanks!
We all knew it would happen.
At least some of us who've been around Ufology for a while knew it was inevitable: even bloggers who claim membership in our diverse community would snipe at Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
Because of the coverage he received, they got envious, and so they couldn't restrain themselves, they rushed to marginalize his statements. They even insinuated Dr. Mitchell was lying.
Remember, while many of these negative bloggers seem to pack the integrity of a card-carrying Bushee, Edgar Mitchell's integrity has never been questioned by NASA, or anyone else of merit. Mitchell has demonstrated over the decades his integrity and intelligence --showing more of both than all these blogging jackals put together.
Why do UFO researchers and bloggers --who both think there is something significant in UFO phenomenon-- rush to marginalize the statement of an authentic American hero like Dr. Edgar Mitchell?
Because they are jealous. And because they're the psychological type who must be right. And so they lower themselves, and our entire community, by using the same tactics as debunkers. For instance: I've never in my 45 years around the UFO phenomenon read any debunker ever apologize to a UFO witness for any statement they have made which turned out to be wrong. Never! And that profile is a statement of truth unto itself.
And it looks from here like several claimed pro-Ufology bloggers owe one of our great American heroes and greatest astronauts an unconditional apology.
Let's read some of the maneuverings now happening on the dark side:
"The second point is Mitchell's history. He has long been an advocate for what can be called at best fringe science, starting with his tests of psychic powers on that same lunar flight. That's fine, in fact I support things like that, if done rigorously... but clearly in my opinion he goes way too far. Government coverups of actual aliens? Really? Where's the proof of that? The evidence is always circumstantial, and that makes me suspicious indeed. We have governments that cannot coverup a simple break in, a tryst in the White House, or trade deals between Iran and the contras. Those are cakewalks compared to the massive conspiracy theorized by the UFO crowd.
No, my point is that I don't really see why this is suddenly news. He's been talking fringe science for decades...
So I want to be very clear here: I have enormous, deep, and profound respect for all the men who walked on the Moon, and all the men and women who put them there. But that does not give them a pass to ignore evidence and to draw drastically unrealistic conclusions without evidence to support them."
Phil Plaitt attacks Dr. Mitchell, then tells him how much he respects him. Now there's a well-known PR campaign tactic: turn an apparent positive into an absolute negative by speaking with forked tongue.
How many roads does Edgar Mitchell have to walk down before you respect his word, Phil? Apologies to Dylan, by the way.
Dr Ruby Schild Smithsonian Astrophysicist Tribute To Dr. Edgar Mitchell Part 1 & 2:
DVD 2007 MUFON Conferemce
Here's another blogger, Ian Brockwell, who 'respects' Dr. Mitchell. I think?
One of the most popular reasons why some people give interviews ( Dr. Mitchell) and "reveal" information that is designed to attract serious attention, is to promote something (usually a book). So I did a quick search to see if Dr. Mitchell had written any books recently.Mitchell has written two books, the last one in 1996 called "The Way of the Explorer". However, a revised edition of this was released this year and he has been giving a number of interviews just lately.He obviously understands the need to promote books (all authors do) and he gave a lecture at the Roswell 2004 lecture to do just that. Presumably the 1996 version of his book required a little help in getting noticed if it still needed promoting 8 years later? And now we have a revised edition of the same book, which obviously will also require some additional publicity.
Ian Brockwell, thanks for respecting Dr. Mitchell...I think?
Of course, the US mainstream media "news" does the same thing, right?
Or it may be they've sold out only to the attention value of the subject matter at hand.
Many people I've met have had grand intelligence, but not a bit of common sense. Some of these zero-common sense brainiacs who're also science professionals I've come to call The Robot People. It's important we recognize them, know them for what they are, because The Robot People never see the human part of anything.
The 'Bot People consistently fail one kind of IQ test, though. The Bots Who Blog Among Us still don't get that if you have failed to develop your Emotional IQ, i.e., a baseline awareness of the presenting emotional challenges of the people right there in front of you, and a bit of respect for the courage it takes UFO witnesses and serious researchers to come forward, you are not really working the human side of the street.
And from the science and media sides of the street, if you've failed to account for the Emotional IQ --the fully human aspect of research-- you're just not getting the whole story.
Dr Ruby Schild Smithsonian Astrophysicist Tribute To Dr. Edgar Mitchell Part 2: DVD 2007 MUFON Conferemce
Debunkers say there is no evidence unless you can measure it.
But how can you measure something that is more intelligent than you and doesn't want to be measured?
How can you measure something which is likely of profound national security, wrapped up in secrets and hidden away?
Dr. Mitchell clearly indicates in his phraseology that he does not want to break his oath.
Hey, I'm no rocket scientist, but I can read that.
And Dr. Mitchell never names the individuals directly or the committees or the direct sources. He never includes NASA. He carefully, honorably skirts breaking his official military-US Government oath, while I believe, he is keeping a higher order of oath.
Dr. Mitchell --unlike the Bot People-- is keeping an oath of faith, trust, and loyalty to the Human Race.
We've got massive amounts of evidence coming out. We've got the government cooperating with MUFON. MUFON requested and received the radar tapes from the Stephenville, Texas case. MUFON's evidentiary conclusion: Large UFOs 300 to 500 feet across, traveling 2000 mph... exactly where the good witnesses reported they spotted them.
Am I crazy, but do any of you remember the bloggers --the ones who're supposed to be on our side-- quickly trying to demolish or diminish the Stephenville witness testimony? In the very beginning of Stephenville, snide remarks, star charts and such were rampant in the ufology blogosphere. Witnesses hardly finished telling their stories before attacks began on several claimed pro-ufology blogs!
I know there are debunkers who make a living from this. I get it.
But what are these others trying to do? It's one thing to keep it honest and add a healthy dose of dissent. It's another thing entirely to kill the messenger over and over again, especially when the messenger has demonstrated a lifetime of integrity.
Roswell proved that for these I AM SO RIGHT kind of people, and for the Bot People, multiple witnesses, even deathbed confessions are not enough.
American hero astronaut Edgar Mitchell proves that a life lived with integrity delivers a powerful dimension of believability to witness testimony --so much believability, that professional debunkers, the just plain envious, and the Bots Who Blog Among Us forget themselves, and in their rabid rush to publish, fail to use logic, and risk revealing bad arguments, low-level thought, and a Bonfire of the Vanities-style silliness that probably, in the long view, will turn out to be tragic for us all.