Ufo Sighting In Vallejo California On July 5Th 2013 2 Stars Repositioning Themselves 4 Identical Shooting Stars
I was walking my dog around 11:30pm on Friday night, in the suburb of Glen Cove, in Vallejo, CA. There was a slight haze, so not many stars were visible at the time. I had been looking at two particularly bright lights, wondering which stars they were. They were north about 25 degrees off the horizon. I started looking forward, but they were still in my peripheral vision. As a light post passed between the lights and myself, one seemed to move behind the pole quicker than the other. I figured it was because I was walking, so I stopped to observe. This is when one of the lights started accelerating. I was confused at first because I didn't understand how I could have mistaken a satellite for a star. The initial speed was that of a satellite, but it only went a short distance before it doubled and then tripled, at least, the normal speed of a satellite. After it had traveled about 20 degrees along the horizon, it came to a complete and immediate stop. It then began to move higher in the sky and then stopped again. All this happened in less than 3 seconds. I started to wonder if the star that I thought stopped, was there all along and the original object just happened to disappear from sight around it. However, the second bright light I was originally observing, began moving in the same direction. It came to a stop just passed the first star and under it. Just then a third light came into view forming a triangle with the other two. Within a couple of minutes, two shooting stars sequentially took the same trajectory, and started at the same position the lights traveled. I assumed they were shooting stars because they appeared out of nowhere. I kept walking my dog looking up the whole time. About 15 minutes later, a third shooting star, same trajectory, same path. After I got home, I went out back to stargaze and about 30 minutes after the third shooting star, a fourth one did the same thing. The 3 lights remained in the same position until about 4, which is when I was finally able to fall asleep. For all I know, they are still there...
(via MUFON.com)
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