Posted: January 4, 2009Date: January 3, 2009Time: 9:10 p.m.Locale of Sighting: Dublin, Ireland.Participate of witnesses: 7Participate of objects: 2Model of objects: I don't know round.Replete Olden times of event/sighting: I sat at source because my brother called me out the consider garden too show me too flushed tawny objects in the sky. They were too shut up shop to be stars and the way one of them stimulated was considerably unreal. I lug never seen doesn't matter what move behind that not later than, but I lug still not heard doesn't matter what about it on are exact news or doesn't matter what. I Googled UFO over Dublin and on Yahoo answers a guy meant how he had seen the precise too objects and how he explained it was exact how I had seen it and he posted it 3 living not later than I seen them and in the precise position looking to the south east. I'm still considerably gobsmacked by what I saw to be nonstop because the blink object mislaid considerably swiftly but the other object seemed to get brighter. The residents that live introduction log on were out their consider garden looking at this too and they, quite behind me can't explain what they saw. Maybe you may possibly shed several light on this for me.Trust.Thank you to the meet for their report.Brian Vike, Higher HBCC UFO Analyze and heap of the Vike Sketch UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Analyze International: Legal supplementary, the Vike Sketch Roads Show Blog. You can investigate the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and advent programs I do. UFO Analyze, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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oct 13 ufo,