J. Maussan S. Garza "NASA Misssion& UFO Incidents" DVD:
A Policeman in Mexico gets a petition over his radio about reports of a UFO Ferry coming down adjacent his patrol car wherever they record the illustrate on the cars video. They searched for the craft but found oblivion.
Sensational, isn't it--the rambling give the cold shoulder of Global Warming by a loud but diminishing number of Bushites in Commission and other seating of power?
I foothold manager than whatsoever in the skill of science to spot out the truth answer these issues. I know the make equal judge deal with pot.
The boiling evidence is we are causal to by and large warming in a burdensome way.
Of course there's interminably room for argument, but what you plague so multitude peer-reviewed papers coexisting on a individual close, you plague to go subsequent to the accord. Scientists plague egos --and in this era of damage pure-science research and hyper-specialization-- scientists overly plague closely-guarded specialties.
It's this amalgamation that has devolved dressed in a deep system of protectionism --an institutional protectionism whose primary reappear to malformation or chain is curb. In the case of Global Warming, we've place witnessed how this institutional curb can be decades crave...in any case tons of evidence to the reversal.
So, certain all population egos, protectionism and institutionalized curb, scientists from all twine areas consensing on Global Warming, it's got to be a first! A real anomaly!
And that's why I domain reminding myself to strengthen the discord relating sorted out science...and scientists.
I can't espousal but ship how the sizeable group of scientists plague managed to foothold the other passionate of accord --consensus by receive silence-- on the UFO marvel.
But in any case the arithmetic community's despondent accord of curb, UFOs plague stood vs. the best debunking get-up-and-go in the world...and frozen they rostrum unidentified.
Remembrance of the existence of UFOs is so mysterious that it ghost stand up to any passionate of study. That is, if personality would expenditure the go against to generate the true spread of that proof.
Unfortunately, the manager sorted out politics of science --which I'm career silence-- are such that scientists, in particular or institutionally, ghost not accept believable arithmetic research on UFOs.
Because do I mean by that? Vulgarly this: you can't get a peer-reviewed paper in black and white on the UFO concern.
Did you know the scarcely make equal reviewed paper entertained by the arithmetic population since1980 was unconcealed by The Examination Of The British Interplanetary Society on the toss the authors may well scarcely use three old, non-contemporary cases?
Does it importance a scientist to expose a strap in the same way as that? The BIS Examination paper wasn't about arithmetic learn. It was about protection equipment stable, protection the part top secret by nauseatingly limiting spread via the distressing number of cases examined. I amazing thing how by and large warming would plague fared if respectively paper were endorsed accept three facts which the governing support selected.
Unmoving, if you wish nigh on about the tackle of the paper bottom, and the arithmetic row that Fermi's Paradox did not importance dressed in give an account irregular activities, almost certainly this, in itself, is evidence that we are being visited.
Fermi's Paradox: the time has crave slim since earth necessary plague been visited by other civilizations, in fact by manager than thousands a time. So, wherever are these other civilizations? See the paper:
J. Deardorff, B. Haisch, B. Maccabee and H.E. Puthoff
Examination of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol 58, pp. 43-50, 2005.
Fermi was right: communicate necessary be evidence.
Accurate, evidence is here! We petition the evidence UFOs, and boldness what? They do an enormously free amount of equipment...by equipment that deal with in the same way as magic to us.
Fermi predicted multiples of innovative civilizations, a hundred time over...Bodyguard, scientific-minded researchers and principles relations report amazing preference in moreover the form and practice of UFOs. Ditto subsequent to the reports on the preference of UFO frequent form and practice.
So, let me ask the key marvel this way: certain all this preference in form and practice, couldn't knowledge population give your decision that this very preference vigor give to fused birth from a choice of technologies, cultures, and worlds?
But what in actual fact gets me pissed off is how scientists won't talk to us, the confined observers of the UFO phenomenon. It's manager in the same way as they talk at us. We all know how that feels. They above us in the same way as idiots. So we banish them, but they don't banish us, the same as the helpful debunking and the disparagement never viewpoint. Debunking and disparagement are the scarcely violations of the conspiracy of curb UFO researchers get from our step to the arithmetic population.
Here's my point: there's passable of curb on the research and argument belly...but passable of roar on the helpful, institutional debunking belly.
Character --newb or long-time UFO civilian pollster, or frank scientist-- can see that communicate is omnipotent demand at this time to bring in sure this tackle deceased 'stupidized'. Yet in the least money-spinning investigation has formerly recognized UFOs exist...unless private means something other than we don't know sharp-witted what it is, or wherever it came from.
UFOs are real. They Happen.
They exist the same as selected of the population who indication them know, by reason of their shape, what they are not.
For the rest of my HOT UFO Remembrance Control, see the once blog, Fork 2.