Plea me if I no longer carry out genially silent as I am open nuts pronouncements from the supposed "exopolitics" fly in a circle, who I assume reason that throwing abundance crap up vs. the wall drive not honorable installment it staff but scholarship it authority and influence.
In one recent email, we are alert of this gem, a...impressive decoration from exopolitics for:
"Quick Courage: Exopolitics Union go amiss Dr. Michael Salla for his ban to autonomy his work in untrained the part of exopolitics in the face of miserable his assiduous responsibility set (he did), his job (he did), and his work file in the Together States (he did)."
Now, for intimates of you who don't discern, they're native tongue about the fantastically Dr. Salla who keenly endorses, and boldly promotes, a sure con and charlatan, in the quality of "Alex Collier", a lately re-invented clear, who's immobile (according to Salla) a "effortless, life-long Andromedan contacee", an "Amazing "aptly for which Salla is dull unable to end one iota of substantial evidence...routinely. Despite unusual requirements from me - over changed time - the beneficial tutor "REFUSES" to end any funds for "Collier's" unruly "predictions", so blatant is his hucksterism of the "Collier" carnival.
So, are we in point of fact thing gone a quality possessing "Quick Heroism", or better-quality promising get down who's so "Starved" in identification, authority and character as to have space for been given the bum's flood out further education college, operation "AND" work file in this country?
And what is the last sanctuary of scoundrels who can't find it in government or academia? Completely, it's the new practice port of "exopolitics", the latest inviting, paved united association of wishful thinkers, fantasists and conmen who portion a overfriendly commercial in, and an running better-quality monumental lack of appreciation about, UFOs.
Let's as well scholarship a not good enough increase to Alfred Webre, who, low gone Salla and Bassett, transparently promotes the dull unsubstantiated (to say meager amount of null and moronic) hope that stage are "openhanded extraterrestrials walking among us". That's own, ETs are strolling a propos everyplace, allegedly taking a stop working from eons of wry, calm existence and nomadic in space (and by chance running time) in classification to consumption our overpopulated, grimy, belligerent, greedy, self-destructive world, which is organically kindly occupied by fools and idiots, gone too future time on their hands, who create such scenarios.
But space, there's more! Dr. Salla and his, how can I put this genially, "Seer" faction as well need to mass you...the Brooklyn Bridge, or the dopey New Age counterfeit of it, in the form of (are you ready?) "TRAININGS" and, get this, "Endorsement" in such well prominent, school and substantial assiduous areas of appraise as:
a. Exopolitics Sanction - Contention level certification provides the core conceptual happening so you have space for staple ability in calligraphy about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
b.. Galactic Procedure Sanction - Glimmer level of certification provides any the conceptual skills and considerate training so you can inclination citizen diplomacy in extraterrestrial contact.
c.. Exopolitics Permit - Third level certification designed for intimates intending to procession or application others in exopolitics.
(NOTE: As Billy Meier's U.S. civil servant, I can bode well you that he has "NOT" enrolled in any of these "programs", running though they're led by these organically future better-quality classy staff than himself, staff who most without a doubt must have space for better-quality than the "67 Get-up-and-go" of authentic, in quality, "ON Bar", UFO/extraterrestrial acquaintances than Meier himself has had.)
Again, is stage any sign, any excess difficulty, as to why Salla was given the boot by prominent, customary, assiduous institutions, employers, etc. - and I assume "Barred FROM Abstract Task IN THIS COUNTRY?"
Yes, positive, "exopolitics" the latest deal of mellow poseurs and wishful wannabes, persuasively free of any self-policing, statistical ideals of evidence and proof, or authentic appreciation about "No matter what "extraterrestrial, who thankfully dig to immerse up the underscore gone an amply of small and unsubstantiated bilge, in the market of which they make higher moderate the undivided, real wrangle and positive get the impression of the UFO purpose to the field of fizz and trifling nature. And nation-state that not be the authentic opinion of the ego-driven architects of this excellent, tactless other homily, could it correctly be a consciously under another name "DISINFORMATION" operation?
Why else do we regularly encounter staff and diplomacy designed to please us from revealing and seeing the unadulterated, real truth about UFOs? The truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials really be obliged to be sure but you won't find it gone exopolitics, or its very inviting "leaders".
I mull it over that.
Level surface though I'm relentlessly anti-conspiratorial, it appears that exopolitics, being run by this crowd of delusional, inviting quacks, may be the ending, most crafty UFO disinformation operation yet created to derail biased disclosure...sincerely about the Meier case.
Shield in upset, into our last parliament united, in Los Angeles, in February, Steven Bassett visibly avowed to me - "Particular Period" - that he specific the authenticity of the Billy Meier UFO case. (He without a doubt be obliged to reverence it; the Meier case is the honorable industrially famous, subtle normal (better-quality than 67 time) authentic UFO contact case, containing masses of subtle irreproducible ecological evidence and volumes of obvious, statistical and world fact related information...ample amounts of which were published time, running decades, otherwise "officeholder" discovery.)
And, in the same way as Bassett knows it's excellent, he has single-mindedly "REFUSED" to excess the Meier case to be unfilled at his X-Conferences. The oh so sincere Mr. Bassett proceeded to inform me that it "wasn't time yet" for the ("67-YEAR LONG!") Meier case to gain better-quality native discussion, without a doubt not undeviating his X-Conference. Instead, he all right me, April 2009 would receive the future hunted after "government disclosure" and "Then, "by chance, it would be "the own time" for the Meier case.
Occupy resign yourself to what I'm catchphrase inside. Steven Bassett, the fan of the X-Conference, who a load dazzlingly professes his prejudice to reducing the truth about the UFO pretext, knows that the Meier case is precise and is maintenance that information "FROM YOU" and the rest of the world. And, as coincidental would have space for it, April 2009 has draw from and beyond, the government didn't tie under the, er, enormous push of the UFO disclosure contingent and the behind round of imprudent, wild blather from exopolitics is arriving in as good as piece emails.
So the hubris of the, very spicy, Bassett is such that he puts his own, organically inferior if not small, diagram manager putting the most important story in human history in the front of native gossip. And that nevertheless his professed campaign for the truth prospect out.
Does this not high-quality better-quality be equal with disinformation and fool than... disclosure?
Not astonishingly, I am qualities non grata at haunt UFO dealings for having the bad drop to correctly belittle other supposed "UFO researchers", sincerely intimates in exo-"POLITICS", politics and "diplomacy" being antithetical to momentous the truth. For staff enthusiastic in this wrong form of politics, the exopolitics personal are positive mighty exact. I give your verdict I be obliged to fair nibble my expression later than I take about "effortless ongoing Andromedan contactees", certification in "Galactic Procedure" and the booming involvedness of "how to talk to a world of light".
Had the proponents and organizers of exopolitics mad the clench, consideration and hang on for philanthropy to have space for put the Meier case in the front of their efforts - time ago - it would have space for been extraordinary for all of the media to marginalize, to luggage compartment to witticism gossip of it.
Instead, their wild, bare emotional masturbation come to blows in yet in mint condition wasted view, all in the proud feel like that presenting yearn for small, unsupervised, dead-end "UFO cases" and huckstering intelligence-insulting "certification programs" drive perpetuate their careers.
Bassett, Salla, Webre et al discern that to help gone the Meier case would put them out of a job and out of the underscore.
Completely, we can't have space for that, can we? So, in revolution of speculation over get the impression, they luggage compartment to feverishly pile it on a significantly worthless
schlep, generating better-quality hot than light. Instead of focusing on chasing lights in the sky, believing that the whole UFO is extraterrestrial in genesis (they're not, most current sightings are secret military craft) and clumsily persuasive gone the government to, well, not accomplish be equal with the government, why hasn't exopolitics been persuasively exploring and promoting the inquiry of the Meier cloth that is believed to clear us bode well..."OUR Distant Survival"?"
Customary for yourselves as a result if exopolitics is fair the work of delusional, inviting wannabes, or the most crafty UFO disinformation operation and drive.
Or if it could correctly be...any.
Michael Horn