He's currently working up a Seven Wonders of the UFO World list, and has started with the Rendlesham event of 1980.
Mr. Kimball is a moderately intelligent guy. Why he keeps dredging up old UFO stories baffles us.
What's his point? That these sightings/events are convincing evidence for a UFO reality?
UFOs exist, that's a given, but the sightings that Mr. Kimball touts - and keeps touting - didn't determine what UFOs were when they happened and they still haven't provided any obvious clue(s) to the essence of the UFO mystery.
Beating the UFO dead horses isn't counter-productive, it's just plain stupid.
The old UFO cases have been mined by ufologists to the point of total evisceration, and nothing has been derived from the ham-handed scrutiny.
Kimball certainly knows this, or should.
But what else does he or any ufologist have to do? New sightings are without the drama or details that constructed previous flying saucer activity.
Even the recent Stephenville, Texas affair is without flamboyant detail or anecdote.
Retackling old UFO, weathered UFO events is a futile endeavor.
Mr. Kimball, and other ufologists, would do well to pursue UFOs with 2008 methodologies and ideas.
Reworking old UFO accounts is mere UFO quackery, a pretense that one is actively engaged in the pursuit of truth about the UFO enigma.
Mr. Kimball must have better ideas up his sleeve. He's not a UFO quidnunc, or says he isn't.
But he and his coterie keep harking back to the past, and like Marcel Proust, locked into remembrances that will avail them, or anyone else, of nothing.
Origin: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com