A UFO appeared in the sky snooty Montenegro's capital local of Podgorica in southern Europe on Thursday, May 9.UFO over Montenegro. The sighting occurred at in the order of 9:00 pm and was reportedly seen by discrete editors of "Vijesti" news magazine. The magazine's photojournalist, Zoran Djuric, captured photos of the UFO afterward his camera. According to news website "InSerbia", the deeply illuminated object not the same shape, bulk, control, and speed. Astronomer Igor Dajkovic discounts the vista of atmospheric phenomena. He acknowledged, "These phenomena meteorologists habitually point by the term of capsule lightning. Over, this term is along with pretty indefinite and as such serves for numerous interpretations, so it is recycled to point something that can fly be equal with few meters from the ground, propose in station, move risk and forward, etc." But meteorologist Dusan Pavicevic ruled out the vista that this UFO was capsule lightning.According to "InSerbia", the Seepage Focus Workplace of Serbia and Montenegro (SMATSA) has not responded to requirements for espousal of any flying object in the sky at the time of the sighting.
Reference: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
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