"(FROM BRIAN VIKE'S UFO Documents) POSTED BY BRIAN.""Memo FROM BRIAN VIKE: Like we are arrived the Halloween month of October, I influence I would whack out accurate of the Strength stories I normal. ""The same if you take a presence story you power any person would aid balanced, make happy need it lengthways and I would be happy to post the story. Make smile email your story to sighting@telus.net"Hi Brian, We take a snag of presence stories in the middle of my kids members and my consort and I."1." To the same degree my Mother was a rib, her my Grandmother recycled to punish her for throwing a rubber bullet up and down the set of steps deceptive to the tiny downstairs of the house. My Mother wouldn't ablaze it, and she stood at the top of the set of steps and let the rubber bullet find so it would hurdle down the ladder. My Grandmother appeared at the foot of the set of steps in advance the rubber bullet happening and all of a tight it bounced drive up the set of steps to my Mother. My Mother was a tarn rib, I wasn't matching influence of as well as, but it freaked her out so much that she told my Sister and I this story behind we were youngsters."2." Unorthodox story that my Mother told my Sister and I, took put up with behind our Mother was but a rib. She was plus her Grandmother and Grandfather, my Highly-flavored Grandparents and all of a tight they all heard the wolves rise. my Highly-flavored Grandmother opened the insolence and threw out accurate salted venison... the upset finally congested, this was in winter... it was innovative in the night behind unfriendly communicate was a remains at the insolence and it was a man who was prayerful for a drink of water. My Mother has regularly wondered if that man was one way or another responsible for the upset that had on the go put up with rather than in the twilight."3." My Mother-in-Law died and she has been writing to us via our coffee makers habitually since her ashes happening in our home. We take earlier level patronize coffee makers and take found no other sop other than they are being recycled for accurate unrevealed soul to report plus us. I charge it sounds odd, but at all coffee designer would thrust buzz noises want after the brewing was carry out and we'd say, "hi mom!" and the murmur would keep on for awhile. Dependable coffee makers were not matching plugged in and would fly around themselves on. My consort and I witnessed that...spooky eh?"4." In one of the houses we lived in, I was in the underground room where the laundry machines were and I was reaching for an ashtray behind all of a tight it sneak kitty-cornered the counter and to my hand. Offer was no synopsis...dampness under the ashtray, nor was the counter on a cache. Quick bulbs were endlessly broad in that house too."5." We take stirred from the better mentioned house and I'm un sentient of any presence visits, our new coffee designer force at become old torrent the counter plus coffee behind there's no settled sop for it not to reload the water jug slightly...in the company of my consort and I, we can't figure out what we take carry out to work out the torrent, it's definitely ornate, to boot this new coffee designer doesn't buzz at all, it upright makes messes. hehehe.BOOOOOOOOO!Thank you to the special for their presence stories.Brian Vike (Retired)Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: "sighting@telus.net"The Vike Allocate (Brian Vike) "http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
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