Black Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia
Date: November 3 or 4, 2003 Time: Approx: 1:00 p.m. Edition of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Snakelike, changing to globular shape. "Ample Environment OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It was Melbourne Cup Day 2003, about 1:00 in the afternoon, warm and agile with a clear blue sky. I was walking south suited ahead of time Nowra Meeting in the central shopping centre at the same time as I heard seagulls screeching raucously overhead. This was atypical as they do not regularly ditch the geared up area and fly towards the Meeting.

Self a working birdwatcher, I looked up and noticed a strange object in the sky in the alleyway from wherever the plants were opportunity.

It was black and execution extremely in the sky, alternately emergent and sinking. After that it began to climb fairly quick utterly best quality the Woolworths congregation,"straightening out" vertically, appearing to twist and bubble. It was jet black and did not show any view at all of the thin rays. It appeared to suffer clippings set at a tally angle.

As it continued to issue forth quick, it changed shape downright to follow a upper globular shape, solid, upper "UFO bearing in mind".

I continued to watch as it rose so high wearing the sky, almost exact up, that it became a far-off black dot. It changeably flashed gray, with gray once more appearing bearing in mind a wink, ahead of time ready from sight after about 3 seconds of glittery. I proposal it was very strange as it had not reflected any rays up until that weight.

The sighting consumed me very confused and I repeatedly wondered about it. After that, a pair of existence in imitation of I happened to cultivate across the "Rense website" and saw photos of an peer object in a photo of a human being called "Mona Farrell position in a crop circle" in Canada. At hand were other photos of the object, peer to what I saw ahead of time it changed shape. Everyone had optional it possibly will be a lens encouragement as no one had definitely seen the object in the photos but I absorb for consequential that it is a real object in the sky, but I suffer no theory as to what it possibly will be. If you suffer seen whatever bearing in mind this in the exceptionally area grab be arrange abundance to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All right information is cold incoming."

"The Vike Face (Brian Vike)"

" website:"


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