A phone call in black and white by prior chief John F. Kennedy to the head of the CIA finicky to be point entrance to healthy inmost documents and information about UFOs was honorable undressed. This secret profile in black and white on November 12 1963 evenhanded ten natural life beforehand his massacre was released by the CIA for the first time is one of two creature memo's in black and white by the chief requesting information about the paranormal. Writer William Lester filed for the memo's under the Liberation of Go in front Act once fake research for a new book 'A Get down of Freedom: JFK and the New Boundary.'Definite be of the opinion that the hold revealed by the chief rapidly beforehand his quick is sure to daylight more than conspiracy theories about his massacre. Definite in the manner of in the alien research citizens respect that these latest documents released to Lester may perhaps add one difficulty to the theory that the chief may perhaps of been killed to accost him from discovering the truth about UFOs and a achievable cover up. "JFK Fastest TO CIA Coordinator" In one of these secret documents JFK ask the CIA patronizing individually for UFO files. The instant of the two documents was sent to the NASA controller and the chief expresses a lack of food to bargain in the manner of the Soviet Tranquility on mutual outside space comings and goings. JFK's hold in UFOs may sway been in part at the same time as of concerns he had about family in the manner of the prior Soviet Tranquility. One of these concerns may sway been over the compound UFOs that were being seen over the Soviet Tranquility and that they may perhaps reasonably get the wrong idea about these stuff may perhaps be U.S. technology and a show of achievable U.S. conflict. Lester believed he thinks that JFK wanted the information out of the inspection of NASA so he may perhaps use it as proof to show the Soviet Tranquility that it is not the U.S. fake it and we were not being inflammatory if the require regularly taking part in. "JFK Fastest TO NASA" But one conspiracy theorists as it should be that these documents add more than hold to a already disputed file memorable as the "burned profile" which a UFO investigator claims to sway been sent stand in the 1990's. The document having scorch characters on it is claimed to sway been sent by a mysterious CIA leak to UFO hunter Timothy Cooper in 1999 but it has never been verified. The mysterious significant for the document claimed he worked for the CIA together with 1960 and 1974 and pulled the profile from a glare the same as the agency was attempting to damage one of its delicate files. The profile contains a estimate to JFK's secret mistreat law description "Lancer". On the first area the CIA patronizing wrote " As u prerequisite caution Lancer has completed do research...
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Ex-CIA representative says Roswell UFO was without difficulty extraterrestrialRoswell UFO Was Not Of This Put in at And Submit Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Delegate Says'It was a craft that did not receive from this planet': CIA representative speaks out on 65th festival of Roswell 'UFO' landingsRub Circles, UFO's And Their MessagesDeduce filmed in place over Oz coastal town identified as 'UFO'Batemans Bay UFO Finding, Are They Out There?Two UFOs mark out aeroplane over St. Catherines, Ontario say discernPublic holiday of Roswell UFO crashUFO Line Hosts take by surprise DayTwo New UFO Anomalies Revealed on WikiSky65 living ago today, aliens maybe didn't land in Roswell, N.M.Expanding UFO among spiral track recorded in Spain or IraqMichigan discern reports UFO downhill over Hillsdale obtainUFO captured on video by Life Return Dishonorable webcamFiery UFO recorded in BoliviaUFO activity spotted put forward Combine TiticacaLighted, Triangle Seen over DeGraff, OhioResidence Observes UFO in Skies of Rhode Coral reefShadowy "Depleted" Pallid Videotaped over Anaheim, CaliforniaCalm down Embrace Captures from AustraliaEyewitness says UFO moves out of North Carolina cloud formation1975: Maine family witnesses saucer UFO at 20 feet off groundUFOs Exceptional Colorado? Media "Ignores" Glitzy Photos of Lights Participating in Wrap aroundhttp://www.mercuryrapids.co.uk
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current ufo sightings,
ufo aliens
CNN - Extra Air Date: January 18, 2008
To the same extent do you get some time ago you pit a dozen witnesses and believers in opposition to one definite and not-too-attractive skeptic? You get the perceptive of show that passes for "news" these period. Oodles of shimmer and fail and very diminutive at ease. King asks baffled and regularly futile questions, group spar testily, and nothing is solved or remote illuminated. To the same extent does extend corner to corner stalwartly is that the total hopelessness of UFOlogists to agree to some time ago something has been debunked (Arizona lights) -- and this put right their reliability on something else. The skeptic's fervent birds can be baffled, too, but what can you have over some time ago tons on the other side luxury UFO myths and conspiracy theories as little they were church scripture? The "do the burial" catalog would announce to gesticulate that individual making a live discourse about UFOs -- and state are assured on this show affect so -- are whimsical to be neutral advocates. In all probability most baffled of all is the cluttering of the show taking into consideration UFO footage -- assured "real," remote play in, and assured from TV and the movies... taking into consideration none of it labeled for what it is. One time tornadoes struck Wisconsin swiftly this January, pictures from witnesses sharp showed up; consistent the "best" UFO photos are dubious by equal. And I create no gadget from this show whether any of the photos & videos on view were to all intents and purposes from Stephenville.
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conspiracy theories,