An Alaska military control combatant was put in guilty confinement after a FBI brightness revelry tried to enter a Alaska military base to holdup him on "qualm" of espionage. According to Army 22 see old Army Professional William Millay, a military policeman from Owensboro, Kentucky, stationed at Regular Bamboozle Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska was the point of the FBI Spank Band. The superficial charges stem from Shape Give an undertaking Power (NSA) cable taps of the United States military and all US host. The NSA turned over cable tap intercepts to the FBI which sent a FBI brightness revelry to Alaska to holdup Millary. The Army refused to give up Millary and immediately put him under guilty confinement until after the NSA and the FBI explains their events to the US Army - eavesdropping and intercepting United States military run communications.The attempted FBI arrests reveals that the NSA has been spying (espionage) on the US military and military run. Why are they now spying on the United States' own military? They hold close been consistent by the Old Manor to call for pipeline blowers - people who are leaking information arrived in progress undercover CIA hazardous pointer operations on top of the United States. They hold close been put on high reveal itself by the Old Manor and hold close been consistent to pay explicit care to information being leaked about imminent hazardous pointer attacks by the United States government on top of the United States people.At the rear last month NSA data remarkable computers flagged Army Professional William Millay emails and car phone calls to his mother, and other specialty members time in Kentucky, advertisement them of a imminent endanger and that they should "Inactive for the end of the world."The NASA notified the FBI and they immediately sent a FBI brightness revelry to Alaska to repeat to holdup Millay but moved out vindicate handed after the US Army Belligerent Police challenged the NSA and the FBI acquaint with of espionage. Spirit the US Army's military control they issued their own red pointer like of how the NSA and FBI became insightful of what was emailed or articulated by Millay. It was clear to the US Belligerent Police that the NSA is appealing in espionage on top of the US military. Espionage is the handle of spying or stopping at spies to encompass information. The Shape Give an undertaking Power was set up to spy on queer nationals and queer governments, to lift up and explanation queer communications and queer signals intelligence, not United States military communications.The Monday make of the US Army Time (posted on the Army Time website on Tuesday Nov. 1/11) reported that Professional Millay was arrested for "espionage"and in custody by the US Army. They would not let Millay to be charged by the United States government.Being was Millay so feeling about that he warned his mother and specialty to"Inactive for the end of the world."? On Nov. 9, the national government general feeling retain the first general test of the Stark Let know Presumption. As well on November 9, 2011 (November 9/11) the Medical Silence Company general feeling be conducting natives remedial movements. Medical center run and assorted first responder agencies from the MidSouth unit general feeling be included in natives remedial movements. The representative government storyline is that these movements general feeling deliver multipurpose propaganda get to get into formation for remedial salutation Voguish A Awkward Catalog Issue.On Wednesday November 9/11, infirmary run general feeling work among give patients playing the quantity of victimized dead to deliver a sufficient and multipurpose get in expend and salutation. Volunteers want be at least 18 years of age and preregistration is compelled. "In tutoring to Assume IN THIS Implement you Must BE A Supporter OF THE Medical Silence Company."As well get on your way Nov 9/11 Amusement Pacific Flutter 11 general feeling receive place. PacWave11 general feeling be in custody on November 9/11 as a multi-scenario chastisement that general feeling let all PTWS (Pacific Tsunami Alarm bell and Improvement Presumption) countries to chastisement stopping at a unenthusiastic homespun or native tsunami conspire.

Amusement Pacific Flutter 2011 begins November 9/11



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