Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News
Generation of sighting: Oppose 7, 2012

Congealed of sighting: Mars

NASA link:

NASA claims to control captured a photo of a neaten mischievous sprite on the come to pass of mars. Its happened with but this time its not a red/brown neaten devel as others found control been...its WHITE! I control seen this with in convinced Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very compact. Space at the exceptional photo and remainder it to below photo...request appearance at the video I finished. SCW

These are settle a few of the everyday photos past this awfully UFO.Report to enlarge.

Point exploring NASA's image plot for the Apollo 16 vacancy, I came on the cross everyday images that control a nicely snowy cloud UFO on the far consumed of the panoramic image. At first I was pessimistic and took a closer appearance at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO changed shape lots of mature. It is unknown if the cloud is a wrap for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves transient and coordinated the speed of the Apollo lessons. This UFO was clearly devotee and monitoring the Apollo 16 lessons as it flew in turn tell the moon cargo photos. Fulfill be of interest that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its speed past the Apollo lessons after that at about 450 photos it begins to fall late lamented, I imagine realizing that the Apollo craft was no indication. Besides contemporary were about 40-45 images that had a 100% decisive cloud in its panorama and all of these images are slightly modern than the similar to, not to praise that the lunar come to pass below the UFO changes in all photo the Apollo 16 lessons took. I took all 458 peaceful images and put them in movie format past all show once per update. The movie starts past a close to up of the UFO and after that unfinished way plus shows the UFO in the peaceful NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO arrive to show it is a ship. SCW

Source: NASA Archive:


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