The Carlos Alberto Diaz Abduction Not Unlike The Antonio Villas Boas Episode
Joseph Brill wrote, in "Manager UFO" magazine [February, 1976, Call 12 ff.] about an understood "abduction" of an Argentine man, 28 year-old Carlos Alberto Diaz, in 1975.

The picture upper is a mean, from the magazine, depicting what Senor Diaz knowing.

He was "rapt" by a down light [UFO?] in which he was succumbed by three entities of human form but stumps rather than arms, and faces worsening mouths, noses, or ears and greenish-tinted fur.

He was nonchalantly deposited in a purposeless front line about 200 miles from the spot anywhere he first encountered the light. The time of his "overpower" was 3:50 a.m., according to his slothful watch. Time was he was found, inside mid-day shadowing, he had a news summary by means of him that he bought in his Naposta topic of Bahia Blanca, which slander southwest of Buenos Aires by the 200 miles noted. That news summary provided dependability for his story, Brill writes.

Wearing his modification in a hospital, it was noticed that curls on his head and chest had been cut or dominated (not by shears). He suffered no ill after-effects.

The Villas Boas case is one hypothetical to be instigated by a CIA/military psy-operation, according to DoD/CIA operative Bosco Nedelcovic, who told me the story in the late 1970s.

Rung Redfern covers the minutes in his book "Contactees" [Episode 20].

Nedelcovic untaken a outline that's press down to pick up by quite a lot of but generally accepted by population who've awkward the plotting of the CIA and military, the so-called psychological operations.

Villas Boas was, Nedelcovic hypothetical, as one by a special unit whose proposal was to frame pretend alien contact. The unit operated in South America, by means of the alleviate of A.I.D. and extremely in Celebrated Britain, anywhere Nedelcovic hypothetical they were aspect of the iniquitous Scoriton contact by means of a man named Bryant.

My measure is that the Diaz revelry mimics the Boas incident, but close twenty kick when.

Was Nedelcovic privy to such pretend measures. It seems so. (The UFO UpDates archives has patronizing on Nedelcovic, sandwiched between the CIA and child-nappings by means of a contrary sexual tinge.)

Hitherto, Vallee's and Aubeck's "Wonders in the Sky" is sated - and I mean sated - by means of equivalent abduction-like events: Organize 48, 108, 116, 163, 171, 233, 337, and go to regularly patronizing.

The CIA wasn't selected along with to soir such "enchanting" nor were there other groups able to frame, so exaggeratedly, such silly stagings.

So, was Boas sincerely aspect of a CIA expression, and Diaz too? Did every one men have equivalent psychotic-induced hallucinations? Or were every one men dominated by entities unknown, ETs or otherwise?

Can we habitually know?



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