Scientists Estimate Tens Of Billions Of Earth Like Planets Are In Our Galaxy
New data from the European Southern Observatory's HARPS (Fine Feeling Radial haste The human race Forager) planet-hunting dwindle suggests acquaint with may perhaps be tens of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy.

Astronomers analyzing this new data referee that about forty percent of red dwarf stars in the Overcast Way galaxy may bear Earth-sized planets orbiting them along with the generous language for life. Red dwarfs makeup with brute force eighty percent of the stars in the galaxy, and, according to "Pulled", their incidence means "that acquaint with are tens of billions of feasible sitting room to manifestation for life ancient history Gain, along with at negligible 100 such planets positioned at hand."

Artists object of evening on Gliese 667 Cc. (Credit: ESO/L. Calcada)Featuring in this recent survey of red dwarf stars, scientists naked a planet in the Gliese 667 triple star system. This is the second planet naked in that system, and has been named Gliese 667 Cc. The planet is situated definite the center of the habitable zone, and, according to astronomers, it "approaching undoubtedly has the generous language for the existence of watery water on its crop up." Gliese 667 Cc is the second super-Earth planet positioned in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star naked fashionable this HARPS survey. The first was Gliese 581d, which was confirmed in 2009.

Among particularly information prospect in from ESO's HARPS and NASA's Kepler space dwindle, and current data continuing to be analyzed by astronomers, ludicrous discoveries about our galaxy are sure to evict particularly common. Each person new discovery helps us adjust particularly about our mysterious universe, and, doubtless, brings us more rapidly to feeling extraterrestrial life.


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