By Nycjeff
Gino, I'm glad you got Leslie Kean's book. In the end I think one of the main contributions of that book will be to make an impact on journalists and former journalists like you. I'm glad you're willing to admit that you're fascinated by the subject.I'm also happy that you're skeptical. This field needs honest skepticism. It also needs civility, and you seem to have that too.I'm also glad that you've developed a mental model for this phenomenon. That will come in useful.Here's what I hope.I hope you've got endurance and patience.I hope you've got endurance to stick with your investigation of this phenomenon. Its takes a long time just to figure out the history.I hope you've got the patience to be able to sift through all the crap (no really, there's a lot) that you will have to sift through until you find a nugget that you can plug into your mental model. Make sure you watch how everyone reacts to reports of a sighting, the academics, the governments, military, contactees, skeptics, the mainstream media, the blogosphere, and ufology.Then I hope you're able to adjust your model, or scrap it and start over.Good Luck!Stepping down from my box.



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