Hello All,

Here's a story I'd like to share with you all regarding an acquaintance of mine. This is about a woman in her mid-50's. She is a member of a Qabalah/Tarot Mystical brotherhood in which we are affiliated. Over the past few five or so years she has heard my alien contact stories, the abductions, contact with the Greys and later my being attacked by the Reptilians when I started getting too close to the truth. She really didn't know what to think and quite frankly thought I was either fabricating the stories or was delusional in some degree. Time slips forward to now. She approaches me a couple months ago, she says to me, "You are the only person I can think of who might understand or have some idea about something?" I asked, "What's going on?"

She then tells me that she had begun to have recurring night-mares where she awakens on a surgical table, surrounded by oddly shaped people and that she was "ALL CUT UP", into smaller peices and that she is "so cold, please, put me back together again, please."

After a time one of the 'people' tells her telepathically that everything will be ok, and then she became warm and slipped back into deep sleep. Initially she couldn't remember the details of the dreams only that she was very disturbed by the dreams, so much so she began to think and plan to see a psychologist. Then she began to remember the splotches of details, of having surgeries. Around this time she began to feel a buring sensation in her crotch, mind you this is a woman at my temple who thinks I'm nuts telling me this stuff. One day while sitting on the toilette, she takes a mirror and a flashlight to peer at herself down there, and to her surprise sees a large reddish spot in the area of her clitoris. Desparate to calm herself she went to see her general medicine doctor, the guy who had delivered her daughter 20 years earlier, her doctor all the years in between. Full checkup. After the checkup, the doctor says, "A?, so when did you have your clitoris removed? Who did it? Why?"

She answers, "I haven't had any surgeries!", surprised the doctor says, "Well sure you have."

After telling me this I told my friend about a clinical psychologist / theraputic hypno-regressionist who also operates an ET Abduction recovery/research clinic in Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles County. During regression, the psychologists removed the implanted 'screen-memory' and my freind remembers the abductions, the aliens the surgeries.

The question is, why do they do these things? Its for not science, apparently, so why?



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Alien Abductions
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