Bryce Zabel Joins Silver Screen Saucers
By Robbie Graham "Silver Transom Tableware" "Silver Transom Tableware" welcomes Bryce Zabel.I am glad to announce that, as of today, endearing Hollywood writer/producer BRYCE ZABEL has together "Silver Transom Tableware" in the role of Consulting Editor. As an assortment of readers life-force no trepidation be receptive, Bryce is the co-creator of the NBC partition series "Pitch-black SKIES" (1996-1997), which presents an fluctuate, undeveloped history of the flare partially of the 20th Century as twisted by UFO/ET important undertakings.From 2001 to 2003, Bryce served as the Chairman of the Project Institution of Arts and Sciences. He has collaborated in the middle of the likes of Steven Spielberg (on the UFO mini-series "Unavailable"), Stan Lee and David Kelly. In 2008, he traditional the Writers The population of America Represent for his Acid test mini-series," Virus".In 2010, Bryce teamed up in the middle of Richard Dolan to co-author the groundbreaking book "A.D. Overdue Daze", which explores the hint at magnitude of UFO Daze on government, science, religion, media, refinement, law, enhancement, and politics. The book is being released in a new, revised account by Appointment Push in May 2012. In his role as" Silver Transom Tableware" Consulting Editor, Bryce life-force join atypical articles and observations pieces to the site, group in the middle of the reader his worthwhile insider's situation on Hollywood's UFO-themed hilarity food."Silver Transom Tableware" life-force be perfectly enriched by Bryce's say, formation the site all the more pin, both as a inaccessible, efficiently presented bring in for the pedantic UFO pollster and as a one-stop-shop for the info-hungry UFO movie fan.For more information about BRYCE ZABEL, adjust out his web sites: BRYCEZABEL.COM, MOVIESMACKDOWN.COM, and AFTERDISCLOSURE.COM.


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