As of Monday evening, March 16th, UFO Magazine had received five
(5) telephone calls and then several visits from folks that had
visited Tim Beckly's Con in San Diego. The story follows.

According first to Jon Erik Beckjord, noted Bigfootologist, and
Crop Circle investigator during the social get together on Sunday
(3/15-92) there was a party that ended up in Beckly's hotel room.
Liberal libations flowed, and all were having a good time.
Beckjord, not always known for his social grace, was having a
chat with someone, and had mentioned to this person his
discomfort when Milton Cooper addressed an audience while
imbibing heavily, and then used profane four letter words
attempting to get all to attend his workshop. ( at $40.00 US a
head I might add.)

At approx. this time frame, who would show up but none other than
our old friend Bilkum, and according to the five witnesses I
spoke to, Bilkum was carrying quite a load. ( Chivas that is )
Cooper heard Beckjord, and became enraged. He ( according to our
witness -- Erik --
) lunged at Beckjord and pushed him while
screaming profane epitaphs at Beckjord. Beckjord of coursed then
pushed our boy Cooper back, stating that "I won't fight anyone
that only has one leg!
" Now just about then, Cooper carrying a
heavy load of Chivas, and just being an all around social guy
like he is, screamed ( now this is also from our witnesses--last
count 5
) "wooden leg!? Did you say a wooden leg!? I'll give you
a wooden leg you "MotherFu*ker" and he then proceded to kick
Beckjord. By now the punches started swinging, and none other
than Bentwaters Larry Warren threw himself on Cooper, and about 5
or so people broke up this little punch fest.

By now you may wonder if I just relayed this for the sake of
gossip. Nope, can't say that I have. The reason? Well, Cooper and
party are saying that the reason ol' Bilkum lost it is because
Beckjord was over heard making remarks about Coopers "wooden leg".

Oh by the way, Cooper now claims that the whole UFO thingy is
nothing but disinfo from the secret government, and all the
papers he saw back when he was in Navy Intelligence was to
disinform him. Any of you remember Bilkum here on ParaNet back in
1988? I and I'll bet Jim Speiser do. And like the man said,
"tell me it ain't so Joe!"

Oh how the times do change the stories.

Don Ecker



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