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The Belgian Ministry of Defense released all its data on the UFO to the press, after

eliminating American stealth aircraft and all other possible explanations.

On the night of March 30, 1993, three years later to the day, a vast triangular-shaped craft,

also capable of rapidly accelerating in seconds from a virtual hover, was seen by over a

hundred witnesses in England, including police officers and military personnel. The British

Ministry of Defense stated that "none of the usual explanations put forward to explain UFO

sightings seem applicable
" and concluded that the evidence showed that "an unidentified

object (or objects) of unknown origin was operating over the UK."

According to an April 1993 MOD document, the agency sent a letter to the US Embassy

which was "disseminated to all 'interested Agencies' in the US" to find out whether the March

UFO could have been attributable to some US prototype such as the Aurora.

"The answer I got back was extraordinary," reports Nick Pope, the MOD official who

investigated the 1993 sighting. "The Americans had been having their own sightings of these

large, triangular-shaped UFOs and wanted to know if the RAF might have such a craft."

This statement, four years before the display over Arizona, contradicts the 2000 claim by the

US DOD that the department had no information at all about the triangles. To this day, US

officials continue to keep the lid on the Phoenix Lights and other well-documented American

sightings of mysterious giant triangles.

"I wish that government entities would stop trying to shut down these investigations by putting

out some flakey story," says Symington, a long-time pilot, drawing an analogy to the

November sighting of a hovering disc by many aviation witnesses at O'Hare airport, which the

FAA explained away as a "weather phenomenon."



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