The Needed New Word Exomythology
The creation of new words is sometimes necessary and justified. Also is true that a neologism or a portmanteau word truly exists only when it's used and included in different texts.Some years ago, some UFO researchers arrived to the conclusion that the Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs, were in fact spacecrafts from extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our planet. This hypothetical conclusion evolved into the idea that the powers-that-be were in contact with those extraterrestrial civilizations keeping this contact secret. Conspiracy theorists created the idea of the cover-up and demanded a disclosure.Some brilliant minds tried to define our human relation with the Extraterrestrials, also called aliens, with a neologism: EXOPOLITICS. The problem is that until this moment there is absolutely no evidence that confirms the existence of any extraterrestrial civilization present in our Earth or in any other part of the universe. If this is so, the whole thing is just contemporary mythology and it seems perfectly justified to create another word for this: EXOMYTHOLOGY. If you believe that there is absolutely no evidence that confirms the existence of any extraterrestrial civilization present in our Earth or in any other part of the universe, and therefore is impossible to have any political, biological or intellectual contact with the nonexistent extraterrestrial civilizations, then you will find that the word EXOMYTHOLOGY is practical and rational.



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